MegMac-Shiny Bright(耀明)[Hi-Res]

Shiny Bright (耀明) - Meg Mac

You say love and then you snap

And then I lose you we all lose you

And then you're back

I just wanna shake it and bring you back

And tell you I'm sorry for something

Oh I think it's time that you come back

Cause I've got your back I've got nothing to say about it

Didn't mean to make you feel bad about it

Growing up is getting harder to handle

We're waiting for it to fall down

Are you waiting for it to fall down

Well some they go and some come back

But not like they used to you best get used to that

Or you'll find them cracks

I never really thought that forty years from now

Cause cause everybody told me think here and now

Oh I'm seeing hundreds at a time and all shiny bright

I've got nothing to say about it

Didn't mean to make you feel bad about it

Growing up is getting harder to handle

We're waiting for it to fall down

Are you waiting for it to fall down

Well shake their hands and deal with it later

They're dressing up to make them feel better

Always shiny always brighter

Keep it up cause you can do better

I've got nothing to say about it

Now don't you feel bad about it

I've got nothing to say about it

Now don't you feel bad about it

Growing up is getting harder to handle

We're waiting for it to fall down

Are you waiting for it to fall down

Are you waiting for it to fall down

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