周深-My Only

You are the only

The only one who heals me

When I look into your eyes

I heard my heart beat oh oh

Please be my only

The only one who I need

How can I imagine life without you

Never leave me alone

Don't go far away

Just stay with me

You are my only

The only one who found me

In the darkness but only you saw me

Tomorrow just let it be

Cause I know you'll come with me

You are my only

Always believed in me

I will never be that weak-willed me

I'll be strong with you by me

How can I let you go away

You are my only

Always on my mind

But it's so hard to find out why

Dreaming of you every night

I wonder why you never know

You are my only

Always be there waiting for me

I will never leave

I will be right there for you

It seems like the real meaning

To me
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