周华健演绎英文歌曲《In Your Eyes》

为甚么阳光也会流泪?为甚么深情反而伤心? 没有甚么比周华健的歌声更温情洋溢动人心灵 周华健,可能是最会唱英语歌的华人男歌手。 华健的感情观与世界观都非常「东方」。但当你把这张唱片放进播放盘,闭上眼睛享受里面的音乐时,你不会想像到这美妙的歌声来自一位华人歌手。余音袅袅,华健还「洋化」得令人挺惊讶的! 不信?听听看~


And I think I finally know you.

I can see beyond your smile.

I think that I can show you that what we have is still worthwhile.

Don't you know that love's like a thread

that keep us unravelling.

And then it ties back together in the end.

In your eyes I

can see my dream reflections.

In your eyes

I found the answers to my questions.

In your eyes

I can see the reasons why our love's alive.

In your eyes

we're drifting safely back to shore.

I think I finally learned to love you more.

And you warned me that life changes and that no one really knows.

Whether time will makes us strangers or whether time will make us grow.

Even though the winds of time will change.

In a world where nothing stays the same.

Through it all our love will still remain.

In your eyes

I can see my dream reflections.

In your eyes

I found the answers to my questions.

In your eyes

I can see the reasons why our love's alive.

In your eyes we're drifting safely back to shore.

I think I finally learned to love you more.

In your eyes

I can see the reasons why our love's alive.

You and I, we're drifting safely back to shore.

I think I finally learned to love you more.

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