张雨生,苏芮-Love Potion No 9(DSF)

Love Potion No.9 - 张雨生 (Tom Chang)/苏芮 (Julie Su)

I took my troubles down to Madame Ruth

You know that gypsy with the gold-capped tooth

She\'s got a pad down on Thirty-Fourth and Vine

Selling little bottles of Love Potion Number Nine.

I told her that I was a folp with chics

I\'ve been this way since 1956

She looked at my palm and she made a magic sign

Said \"what you need is love potion No.9

She bend down and turned around and gave me a wink

She said\"I\'m gonna make it up right here in the sink\"

It smelled like turpentine,it looked like Indian ink.

I held my nose

I closed my eyes

I took a drink

I didn\'t know if it was day or night

I started kissing everything in sight

But when I kissed a cop down on Thirty-Gourth and Vine

He broke my little bottle of Love Potion No.9

She bend down and turned around and gave me a wink

She said\"I\'m gonna make it up right here in the sink\"

It smelled like turpentine,it looked like Indian ink.

I held my nose

I closed my eyes

I took a drink

I didn\'t know if it was day or night

I started kissing everything in sight

But when I kissed a cop down on Thirty-Gourth and Vine

He broke my little bottle of Love Potion No.9

Love Potion No.9

Love Potion No.9 Love Potion No.9 Love Potion No.9 Love Potion No.9 Love Potion No.9

WAV 苏芮 01/27
苏芮 - 风就是我的朋友
APE 张雨生 01/27
张雨生 - 我是一棵秋天的树
APE 张雨生 01/27
张雨生 - 专辑《还是朋友》整轨
WAV 张雨生 01/27
张雨生 - 河
APE 苏芮 01/27
苏芮 - 久别重逢
APE 苏芮 01/27
苏芮 - 明天还是要继续
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