单飞后的首张专辑-林志炫《Love Will Keep Us Alive》
台湾歌坛一直有着难以计数的歌唱组合,其中不乏一些对两岸流行音乐都产生过影响的人物,比如早期的南方二重唱、小虎队,以及最近的山风点火、动力火车等。当然,还有我们不能不提及的大名鼎鼎的优客李林。不好说优客李林一定是他们中最成功者,但不可否认,正是当年这对组合的清新与激越,才让我们对他们至今依然记忆犹新。林志炫就是这个优客李林中的“林”,而那个“李”,则是他当年的搭档李骥。从1991年出道起,优客李林就用他们的才华征服了广大歌迷,这其中,李骥卓然超群的创作才情固然是一个极其重要的原因,林志炫那清亮高亢而又不失婉约的歌声则更是给人耳目一新之感。首张专辑《认错》曾一亮相即在唱片市场上掀起了狂涛巨浪,当时甚至有人戏言:“如果谁不会哼唱几句《认错》,那他也太落伍了!”《认错》的成功,一举奠定了这对组合在歌坛的重要地位,而随后而来的《黄丝带》、《相亲记》、《输了你,赢了世界又如何》等也都取得了骄人的成绩。然而天下大势分久必合,合久必分,人生的际遇也不能例外。就在优客李林如日中天之时,林志炫和李骥出人意料的做出了各自单飞的决定,从此之后,优客李林不复存在。好在这对黄金组合在退出舞台的同时,也给歌坛贡献了两个出色的歌手,一个是李骥,而另一个更为出色的,当然就是文质彬彬的林志炫了。单飞后的林志炫选择了加盟世界五大唱片公司之一的索尼音乐(其台湾公司为新力哥伦比亚),这也为他日后的发展打下了坚实的基础。单飞后的首张专辑《散了吧》为人们带来了一个焕然一新的林志炫,专辑由著名制作人Tony Smith为林志炫亲自担纲制作人。
Love Will Keep Us Alive (Live) - 林志炫
i was standing all alone against the world outside.
you were searching for a place to hide
lost and lonely
now you've given me the will to survive.
when we're hungry .....love will keep us alive
don't you worry sometimes you've just gotta let it ride.
the world is changing
right before your eyes
now i've found you
there's no more emptiness inside .
when we're hungry...love will keep us alive
i would die for you
climb the highest mountain
baby, there's nothing i wouldn't do
now i've found you
there's no more emptiness inside .
when we're hungry...love will keep us alive
i would die for you
climb the highest mountain
baby, there's nothing i wouldn't do
i was standing all alone against the world outside.
you were searching for a place to hide
lost and lonely
now you've given me the will to survive.
when we're hungry love will keep us alive.....