欧美经典《Fear》 - OneRepublic

OneRepublic,中译名“共和时代”,是美国的一个流行摇滚乐队,曲风走流行、独立摇滚的路线。2007年天使专辑《Dreaming Out Loud》诞生,主打《Apologize》打破各国流行榜纪录。2009年新专辑《Waking Up》再次获得乐评人及广大乐迷肯定。

OneRepublic - Fear


No sleep


Cant even rest when the suns down

No time

Theres not enough

And nobodys watchin me now


When we were children we'd play

Out in the streets just dipped in fate

When we were children we'd say

That we don't the meaning of

Fear, fear, fear,

Fear, fear, fear

We dont know the meaning of..


When we were children we'd play

Out in the streets just dipped in fate

When we were children we'd say

That we don't the meaning of

Fear, fear, fear,

Fear, fear, fear

We don't know the meaning of..


Wish I

Didn't know the meaning of...
APE OneRepublic 01/27
OneRepublic - Counting Stars
APE OneRepublic 01/27
OneRepublic - Secrets
FLAC OneRepublic 01/27
FLAC OneRepublic 01/27
欧美金曲《Won't Stop》 - OneRe
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暴君《Tyrant》 - OneRepublic
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超赞单曲《Feel Again》 - OneRe
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