蔡健雅,Carla Bruni - Photographs





Where is love

Where is God

Has he been hiding hiding

Where is time

Where is light

Has it been hiding hiding

Ooh we're back to the start

Facing a long and winding road

Ooh what can we hold on to

Watching all colors fading off

In the old photographs





Where is love

Where is God

Has he been hiding hiding

Where is time

Where is light

Has it been hiding hiding

Ooh we're back to the start

Facing a long and winding road

Ooh what can we hold on to

Watching all colors fading off

In the old photographs

Ooh we're back to the start

Facing a long and winding road

Ooh what can we hold on to

Watching all colors fading off

Ooh we're back to the start

Facing a long and winding road

Ooh what can we hold on to

Watching all colors fading off

In the old photographs
APE 蔡健雅 01/27
蔡健雅 - 失忆症
APE 蔡健雅 01/27
蔡健雅 - 异类的同类
APE 蔡健雅 01/27
蔡健雅 - 一克拉
APE 蔡健雅 01/27
蔡健雅 - 先生有事吗?
APE 蔡健雅 01/27
蔡健雅 - 偷窥秀
FLAC 蔡健雅 01/27
蔡健雅 - 失语者
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